Children's Author Academy Workshop.



Do you love writing stories? I’m going to help you write a fantastic story, that will impress all your friends and family.

All you will need is: a pen or pencil to write with (or you could even use a laptop), paper, coloured pencils, felts or crayons and the most important this of all… Lots of imagination.

There are 3 parts to every story; the start, the middle and the end. I will guide you through each section as well as giving you story writing tips along the way. 

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 1: How to Start Your Story.

There are 5 essentials to story writing; characters. setting, plot, conflict and resolution. In this first part I will guide you through introducing your characters and setting the scene of your story. 

Write a story

Task 1: Choose you Character.

What does your main character look like? What is their name? How old are they? What are their personality traits?

Draw your character in the middle of your page. Then like a spider diagram list all your characters details, around the picture. This will help you when writing about your character.

How to start a story

Task 2: Start your Story.

How will you start your story? 

This is the part where you will introduce your character and set the scene of your story.

story telling

Task 3: What happens next? What do you see, hear, find?

Something is going to happen. What do you hear, see or find?

Maybe your character finds a magic key, a hidden door or hears a big bang!

Remember, the start of your story has to grab the attention of your reader, so they want to carry on reading.

Part 2: How to Write the Middle of Your Story.

Now we get to the great part. In the middle we are going to reveal the plot to your story and the conflict of problem which your characters will face.

story writing tips

Task 4: What happens next?

This is the start of your adventure.

Does your character pick up the key? Go through the door? Follow the path?

Where does this take your character?

story writing tips

Task 5: Who does your character meet? What happens?

Your character is going to meet someone. What are they like? Friendly/ Mean?

Now your character is going to face a conflict or problem.

Will the stranger ask for help? Trap you? Do you stay or run away?

Task 6: What happens next? Build up to the end of your story.

How do you plan on solving the problem or conflict?

Can you help?

How do you escape?

Part 3: How to Write the End of Your Story.

This is the final part to your story. Here you must find the resolution to your problem or conflict. 

How to write a story.

Task 7: How Will You Resolve the Problem?

How will you resolve the problem or conflict which your character faces? 

How will you escape? Can you solve the problem? Can you help?

How to end your story.

Task 8: How will you end your story?

What happens at the end of your story? 

Was it all a dream?

Do they go back through the door?

Do they use magic?

Write a title

Task 9: Now to Write Your Title.

Don’t make your title too long, however let your audience know what your story is about.

A title must grab your audiences attention so that they want to pick up your story and read it.