There are so many different forms of writing, that I truly believe there’s a style for everyone. In this article I am going to share with you the many styles of writing, and how they can help to improve our mental health.

Story Writing.

Using our imaginations and being creative is a fantastic skill for so many reasons. It allows us to explore different scenarios and express our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Children can start story telling from an early age even if they haven’t yet mastered the skill of writing, and will quite often enjoy adding illustrations to their stories. In fact very young children will frequently draw a series of pictures to tell their story.

Diary Writing.

Diary writing involves recording your daily activities. You may share where you’ve been, how you’ve felt and your plans for the future. They are great memory aids and are quite fun to look back on.

Diary’s are great to have a moan and get thoughts and feelings off our chests, however they are usually quite basic.

Diary writing is a fun activity for children especially when you’re on holiday and want to give them something to do for 10 minutes.


Journaling has really taken off in recent years as people discover the benefits that journaling can have to their mental health if practised regularly.

Journaling is all about writing down your thoughts and feelings so that you are able to understand them more clearly.

Journaling is much more than just writing in a diary, as the writer will usually delve into their thoughts and feelings a lot deeper and try to explore and analyse what they mean.

Letter Writing.

If something or someone has really annoyed you, write a letter of complaint, tell someone how you really feel or explain the situation from your point of view.

This will help the writer to release their built up emotions, and just because you’ve written it, doesn’t mean you have to send it!!!

Recipe Writing.

Writing out your favourite recipes in a new notebook can be relaxing and quite rewarding, as you write out each line and stack up those recipes.

It can then be added to each time you find a new recipe for your collection.

News Reporting/ Journalism.

Journalism is all about writing in a way that reports what is going on, for example within your school, work place or local village and this form of writing can be quite fun.

Journalism is a combination of both informative and engaging writing and can be quite a skill to master.

You can share it with others but you don’t have to.


There are many forms of poetry but the main aim is to express your thoughts and feelings creatively. It can be a fun way to play with words and explore our language.


A blog is a short piece of writing that is published online, normally on a website. Blogs are usually quite informal and share information that the writer is very knowledgeable about or feels deeply passionate about.

Blogs are regularly updated with new found information. They are a great way to share your passion, or if you are a business owner share what you know about your industry to build trust in your potential clients.


Another form of story telling and a great way to bring your stories alive with open dialect.

In this blog I have shared some of the many forms of writing. Writing can have so many benefits including learning a new skill, developing confidence and supporting our mental health. I hope you have fun exploring which styles work for you.

To find out more about the benefits of writing, check out my blog, “How does writing benefit you?“

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