Planning and creating content can be overwhelming. Some of us like to plan a head whilst others like to be inspired and post when the moment takes us.
Whatever way you like to post, the key to success is consistency. However, posting a couple of times a day, every day can be time consuming and exhausting.
In this article I am going to share with you how I plan my business content in order to become consistent with my social media posting.
Weekly Plan.
If you are a new business or wish to grow your audience and increase visibility then it is recommended to post on your platform of choice at least 2-3 times a day, every day.
Although, I always tell my clients to post as many time as is comfortable for them, bearing in mind if they only post 2-3 times a week, they are not going to create much visibility for their business.
I also recommend using the same post across all social media platforms. Don’t worry if people are going to see the same post twice, your ideal client needs to see your posts between 8 to 12 times before they purchase from you anyway!
I like to follow a weekly plan, as this helps me to know what to post and when. So, whether I schedule the post or post on the day I have an idea of the theme of that particular piece of content.
For instance, I generally post a motivational or educational post in the morning about 7am. These might include;
Monday – Mindfulness Technique.
Tuesday – Tip/How to Post.
Wednesday – Ask a Question.
Thursday – Introduction Post.
Friday – Blog Post.
Saturday – Story Post.
Sunday – Quote.
Then about 7pm when my ideal clients have more time to scroll, I post a sales or engagement post.
This might include;
Monday – Sales Post.
Tuesday – Quote.
Wednesday – Fun Post.
Thursday – Video Post.
Friday – Sales Post.
Saturday – Fun Question.
Sunday – Sales Post.
Just as a guide I would recommend posting 20% of your content as sales posts and 80% as value posts.
Just because I have this plan doesn’t stop me from posting ad hoc. All it does is help me to stay consistent and visible.
Weekly Diary or Timetable.
I like to keep a paper timetable or diary, where I can make a note of what I have posted that week. For example, if I share a tip on Tuesday at 7am I make a note of this and which tip that I shared.
This is good to refer back to when reusing content or checking out your insights.
On this spreadsheet I also make a note of who I have shared my business with that week and how many people I have spoken to, as well as how many stories I have shared per day.
This helps me with my accountability and reminds me to make those connections.
Write Content in Blocks.
If you are thinking up ideas for your content such as, tips that you would like to share with your audience, why not brainstorm and write down ten tips. You can then schedule these posts and you won’t have to think about it for the next 10 weeks.
You can also do bulk create in Canva when creating infographics.

Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels
Schedule Your Content.
As previously mentioned, it’s a great idea to schedule your social media content. For a long time, I didn’t do this, but my life became so stressful and seem to revolve around my next post.
When I started scheduling content, which involved creating it and posting it to Facebook to be posted on a particular day and time I suddenly had loads of free time and felt more relaxed.
There are scheduling Apps available but I generally just use Facebook Business Suite which will also post content to my Instagram account as well.
Save Your Content.
I would recommend saving your content, especially tips, trainings, your stories and sales posts, I will tell you why in a moment.
You can do this in various ways. A simple Word document or I have recently discovered Trello which is absolutely, amazing for storing content and hashtags.
Reuse and Repurpose Your Content.
This is the reason why I always suggest that people save their content and sales posts. So that they can be reused and repurposed again in the future.
For example, if you have written 20 tips about your industry and you share one tip every week, then when you come to the end, why not reuse them and share for a further 20 weeks.
I know a lot of people worry about reusing content, but to be honest your audience are not going to care, in fact they may not have seen it the first time around and if they did then they possibly don’t remember and will appreciate the reminder.
This is the same for sales posts and stories, if you have written a great piece of content, it would be a shame to only use it once. Plus remember people need to see your content between 8 and 12 times before they purchase.
Think Coca Cola, not only do they run the same message over and over again throughout a certain period of time they also bring out the same Christmas advert each year!
You can also repurpose content, for instance, change some of the sentences or break up into smaller chunks. This way you are mixing things up a bit but it will take less time as you are not having to start from scratch.
In this article I have shared many tips to creating a content plan, something which I feel is imperative to becoming consistent on social media. However, I suggest finding a system that works best for you, as long as it allows you and your business to become visible, creates sales and helps you to grow.
For more information, check out my Instagram page