Do you look out for every opportunity to share your business? Do you jump in and out of networking groups on the lookout for the next ‘share what you do post?’ Do you check out what other business owners do?
In this article I am going to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of the ‘Follow Friday’ posts and how to get the most from them.
Don't Hit and Run.
To start with when you see a ‘Follow Friday’ post or similar when scrolling through social media, don’t just pop in your social media links and leave. If everybody did this then the whole exercise would be pointless.
Read the rules, introduce yourself, tell people what you do and add a call to action, a way that people can find you. The more interesting you make your post, the more chance it has to catch the eye of others. Practise writing an introduction in as few words as possible for a greater impact.
Find Great Contacts.
It is definitely worth scrolling through what other people have to offer. However, you don’t have to follow everyone. Look out for people you could help, people who could help you, people you could recommend to others and people you may wish to collaborate with.
It is a waste of time following people just for the sake of it, if they’re not your type of people, the number of followers means nothing.

Engagement is Key.
When following someone, always check out what they do. Even if you don’t do it straight away, make a note to go back and engage on their page or in their group.
This will boost their visibility, make you stand out and hopefully it could be the start to a fantastic business relationship.
The Purpose of Follow Friday.
The ultimate purpose of ‘Follow Friday’ is to network with other business owners, shout about what you do and listen to what others can offer.
I hope this blog has shown you the importance of a good networking post. There are positives and negatives to this type of content, but if used properly then they can be great for building relationships.
I look forward to hearing all about what you do.
For more business tips, check out my social media pages on Facebook or Instagram.
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