Are you struggling to increase your engagement on social media? Do you want to be able to boost your sales, but don’t know how? Are you determined to make your social media business a success, but don’t know where to start?
In this article I am not going to give you any magical tips to boost your sales over social media. I am going to give you the cold hard facts about what you need to do to increase your chances of becoming a successful business whilst using your social media platform as a marketing tool.
First of all, let me put it out there, social media can not be the only marketing tool that you use! You need to get out there into the big wide world and talk about your business! Join a few networking groups, have conversations with people, build relationships and offer help, only when appropriate.
Here are the facts:
Make Time.
You have to make time to create time. Sounds weird but ‘oh so true!’
Plan your social media content for the week or month upfront. Know what you are going to share and talk about. This is the main problem when creating social media content, when under pressure people don’t know what to say. Even if you just give each day of the week a heading, you would have done the first step, and this will make life so much easier. See diagram.

Monday – Share your favourite product that week. Maybe it’s new or an old favourite? What do you like about it? What are it’s benefits?
Tuesday – Share your industry tips. How to apply eyeliner? How to best store cake?
Wednesday – Tell a story about anything that will allow your audience to get to know you, which will allow you to share your values and beliefs, and that will help you to build a relationship with your ideal client.
Thursday – Introduce yourself, where you work, your colleagues or team, your products or services.
Friday – Share a blog you have written or an article by someone else you have enjoyed reading and you feel would benefit your audience. Show your audience you are the expert and you’re up to date with current issues.
Be Consistent.
This is where a lot of businesses fail. I personally post at least 3 times a day, 7 days a week for good results. Everyone is different and not everyone has the time and I understand that. Try to post once a day and be consistent. It’s no use spending a couple of weeks posting everyday to then suddenly go quite as the orders come in and you’re busy making and packaging them up. Because I guarantee sales will then start to decline and you will be at stage one all over again.
You need to be consistent with your posting to have a consistent stream of sales, which as a result will boost sales.
Be Creative and Relevant.
What does your ideal client want to know? What interests them? What are their pain points and how can you help them?
Do your research. How can you tailor your message if you don’t know who you are talking to?

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels
Engagement is key to running a successful business. Talk to your audience and ask them questions. It is extremely important to also listen. They will tell you their problems when you successfully engage and build a relationship with them, and this will make it easier for you to be able to help them.
Find your ideal clients on their pages, feeds or in groups where they like to hang out. Chat about what’s important to you, chat about your family, where you live, what’s going on in the news. Build a relationship with your ideal client and only offer help when it’s right to do so.
Try to engage with someone new at least 5 times a day. Yes, this is time consuming, especially if you’re going to have meaningful and genuine conversations, but who said social media was easy?
Be Yourself.
Be honest, share your values and beliefs and just be you! This will attract the right kind of people, your ideal clients.
Stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Stop trying to be like someone else. If you’re not being you, this will come across to your audience and it will be difficult to build a trusting relationship.
Following these simple facts will allow your social media business to become; consistent, engaging and will let you build relationships with your ideal clients. In return your social media business will become more visible to your audience and potential customers.