Do your children have problems with spelling? Do they struggle with the same old words? Would you like to find a way to help them remember how to spell certain words?
In this blog I will share with you some memory devices, also known as mnemonics, which will help your child to remember how to spell some of those tricky words. They can also be used to help retain other information. By the end of this blog you will also be able to make your own fun ways to remember different words and information.
So, we’re going to jump right into it. I remember whilst in primary school I always struggled spelling the word ‘because.’ Then one day my teacher, probably after getting fed up of correcting my work, taught me (B)oys (E)at (C)ustard (A)nd (U)sually (S)ome (E)ggs. Now even though I now know how to spell this word I always think of this sentence.
Another word which children may find difficult is ‘laugh.’ Now think (L)augh (A)nd (U) (G)et (H)appy.
Ok so I’ve played around with the spelling of ‘you’ but as long as you remember that then the spelling will be correct.
Now those words are pretty simple to us adults, but we may struggle with words such as ‘necessary.’ How many C’s and S’s often confuse us. I usually split the word nec-ess-ary but another way would be to think; (N)ever (E)at (C)risps (E)at (S)alad (S)andwiches (A)nd (R)emain (Y)oung.
Have you also heard the saying, “I before E except after C”? However, be careful as this isn’t always true. It may work for words such as ‘receive’ and ‘receipt’, but not the word ‘science’.
This process of remember things can also be used to remember information such as the colours of the rainbow or the order of the planets. For Example; Rog G Biv. (R)ed (O)range (Y)ellow (G)reen (B)lue (I)ndigo (V)iolet.
Why not try to make your own rhymes or mnemonics to remember how to spell words or list the order of things.