Are you stuck for ideas on what to fill the kid’s Christmas stockings up with this year? Are you fed up of all the plastic rubbish and want to buy the kids something a little more educational?

The time is nearly upon us to start our Christmas shopping. Some of us might have nearly finished… just saying. Haha!

In this blog I am going to give you a helping hand with 10 fun and educational gifts to fill up the kids Christmas stockings.

1. Books

Such a fantastic gift and there are so many to choose from, so there’s something for everyone. They come in a variety of prices, topics and sizes. A lot of popular children’s characters bring out Christmas Annuals at this time of year, which are brilliant because they can encourage children to read. Also book sets are also very popular, check out the children’s book isle at your local supermarket.

2. Notebooks and Pens

There’s nothing I like more than a brand-new notebook! Encourage their writing and creativity and give them the tools they need to create fabulous stories. Once again there are many options and designs and stationery comes at a variety of price points.

3. Scrabble Junior

This game helps children of all ages to improve their vocabulary and spelling skills. Have a look in toys stores for different variations of this game.

4. Puppet Theatres

These can be found in various toy stores and really help children to use their imaginations to create different stories.

Dolls and action figures are also a fantastic tool for children to develop their imaginations and encourage role play.

5. Trivial Pursuit and Quiz Games

Any game that gets the kids reading and thinking must be good… right?!

6. Monopoly and Similar Board Games

Sometimes the oldies are still the best. Check out some of the traditional board games your local toy stores have to offer. “Monopoly” has always been a family favourite, however even games such as “Guess Who?” can help children with their literacy skills as they use descriptive words to try and guess the hidden character.

7. Leap Frog - Leap Reader

This might be a slightly more expensive gift but it’s a fantastic way to encourage young children to learn to read. Run the magic pen over the page for various literacy games.

8. Puzzle Books

Another brilliant yet simple gift. Puzzle books can come in different ability levels and can include activities such as; Sudoku, Word Searches and Cross Words.

9. Magazine Subscriptions

A gift that once again can be a little more pricy however it will last for a number of months or even a year.

10. Phonics Games, Cards and Dominoes

There are hundreds of different phonics related games which will help your little ones when they start to read. As well as the tradition card and domino games, you can even purchase games and apps to play on different games consoles.

I hope I have given you a few ideas to get you started. If you have any other suggestions I would love to hear about them, so comment below.

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