Do your children have a bedtime routine? Does it work? Are you looking for a new bedtime routine? This is not a post that promises to fix your child’s sleep issues, sorry I’m not that fantastic!
In this post I will share with you what I think makes for a happy bedtime, as well as some lovely ideas for a child’s bedtime routine. Check out my blog; Bedtime Routines for Children for more ideas.
Pick and choose which ideas you like and forget about the ones you don’t, as long as you stick to the 2 main areas that I will discuss below. And remember, every child is different, that’s what makes them so special right? And like us adults we all like to do things differently.
So where do we start?
Putting the kids to bed shouldn’t be seen as a chore, although it often is. It can feel like herding cats, bargaining with the devil or looking after a drunk friend… one minute giggles, the next minute tears.
In my opinion there are 2 main areas we need to look at…
1. Routine.
Now I’m not one of those Mums who is going to sit up on her high horse and tell you your children need to be in bed by 6pm. My 2-year-old wakes up about 7am each morning, won’t take a nap all day and then nods off at about 9pm each night (if we’re lucky). So, some of you might be thinking; “Who is she to give advice? She can’t even get her toddler to bed on time.” Well like I was saying, each to their own, it works for us.
The key is ‘routine’. Children like to know what to expect, what’s going to happen next. It makes them feel safe and reduces anxieties. So by having a list of soothing and comforting tasks to complete before bedtime, this will allow your child to become relaxed and calm and ready to sleep.
2. Time.
The second piece of advice is put ‘it’ in your diary. Allocate the time each evening, preferable at the same time, to put your child to bed. Don’t let you child feel like you have more important things to do, you’re rushed, or you’d rather be somewhere else. When you’re tired yourself, this is sometimes the hardest thing to do.
However, by being ‘there’ for your child this allows you to build your relationship, they may start to open up and tell you about their day and it will reduce any anxieties they may have.
Make it about your special time together and enjoy the routine.
Ideas of things to do before bed.
Good evening meal, to fill their tummies.
Non sugary snack such as a glass of milk or toast.
Read a Book, whether you buy books or loan them from the library it doesn’t matter.
Take a Bath, try some lavender bubble bath to help with relaxation.
Clean teeth, as well as hygiene purposes, cleaning your teeth can help reduce sugar cravings.
Comfortable night ware, this may change depending on the weather.
Cuddles and chats, doesn’t have to be for long but a great way to build your relationship, share stories or any worries they may have.
Audio books, great for older children who take longer to fall asleep.
Night Lights, mood lighting can be very calming.
Let me know if you have any other great ideas for a great bedtime routine.