When sending your little one off to the land of nod, everybody has some sort of bedtime routine. We’re all different and it’s about finding what works for you and your child.
In this post I will share a few of my suggestions of ways to relax your little one and prepare them for a good night’s sleep. Like with everything in life, not all these suggestions will work for everyone, however with a bit of patience and perseverance hopefully you will find a routine which will work for you.
Also check out my post ‘The Importance of a Bedtime Routine’ for the two main factors which I feel contribute to an easier more enjoyable bedtime.
Now I’ve got to be honest my little one rarely falls asleep before 9pm and that’s if we’re lucky. But we’re fine with that.
However, as my 2 year old daughter is getting older, we’ve started to gradually put more of a routine into place, in preparation for when she starts school. The important thing is not to stress or get angry if things don’t work out straight away, as these things take time. Plus your little one will be able to sense your anxiety, and who has a good night’s sleep when they’re feeling stressed or anxious?
I will now share with you a list of activities to add to your child’s bedtime routine (If you’re not doing them already). Pick and choose which aspects you think will work and forget about the ones you don’t. As I said, each activity may not work for everyone.
Good Evening Meal
A good evening meal is essential, as no one can sleep on an empty stomach. Do you know that feeling you get when you’ve just eaten a large meal? That’s what we’re aiming for (healthy and varied diet). I know this is sometimes easier said than done, especially with picky eaters. Other suggestions maybe a glass of warm milk or a slice of toast. However, avoid anything high in sugar as this will probably give them a burst of energy rather than calm them down.
A Warm Bath
A nice warm bath can be very relaxing, especially if you add in some lavender bubble bath and some mood lighting (ensure they are water safe).
However, if your child hates having a bath, this can be a stressful experience and maybe a shower would be calmer instead.
Clean Teeth and go to the Toilet
Getting your children into a good dental hygiene routine is very important to start at a young age. Cleaning your teeth before bed can also help to reduce any sugar cravings.
Encouraging your child to use the toilet before bed can help to avoid any over night accidents. However, if this is still a problem, stopping any drink before bed might help as well as seeking medical advice.
Bedtime Story
Find a comfortable place to cuddle up or tuck them into bed and read a book. Younger children will require you to read to them, however older children may like to read to themselves.
Although it’s great to have your own books, having a new one for every night can be expensive. Libraries are a great place to borrow all kinds of different books. Stories must also be age and theme appropriate, so that children don’t lose interest.
Audiobooks are great for older children who may take longer to fall asleep. They can also be good for young children, however younger children tend to prefer someone to read to them, so they can also have some interaction.
Avoid TV and other electronic devices which will stimulate a child’s senses.
Comfortable Night Ware.
Clean, good fitting pyjamas or night dresses make for a comfortable night sleep. The style may depend on the weather, as cooler garments may be required in warmer weather.
Comfortable Environment.
Mood lighting can be very relaxing. Blackout blinds or thick curtains will help to block out sunlight. In colder weather a hot water bottle placed in their bed approximately 30 minutes before bedtime will help children get cosy and settle down quicker. For younger children you may wish to remove the hot water bottle before they get into bed.
Cuddles and Chats
Cuddling up and having a chat is a lovely way to end the day. It doesn’t have to be for long, but it is a great way to build your relationship, share stories or any worries they may have.
Hopefully you will be able to put together a lovely bedroom routine, that’s relaxing, calm and stress free. But if it doesn’t happen over night don’t worry, keep at it until it becomes a routine.
If you have any other suggestions please let me know…